Sunday, January 20, 2019

Pregnancy Diary : The first trimester

  Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing good.. let me tell you first, why I am writing this post. I think it is a great place to share with everyone who are pregnant or not. Some who are pregnant with lots of symptoms going on may read this and feel comforted by the fact that, they are not alone, and women that are yet to be pregnant can be educated on what happens during the first trimester of pregnancy!

Everyone’s body is different, so yes everyone’s Pregnancy experience is also different. The first trimester of pregnancy is such an interesting time – there’s so much going on altogether. The excitement of creating a new life. The secret that you can’t wait to share with your friends and family. Dreaming of how much your life will change in 9 months time. There’s so much fun – the positive pregnancy test, the first ultrasound and first time seeing your baby’s heartbeat, sharing the news with loved ones. Truly, I think this is the most exciting time of life.

But wait.... Everyone is not a lucky one to enjoy this phase to that extend.. Because this is also a time of discomfort and sometimes frustration. Most women have some serious first trimester symptoms. Yes! I am one of them. For some of us, the 1st trimester is a 24-hour challenge where we sleep, vomit, sleep, vomit and repeat. I am not here to scare anyone. Don’t get me wrong. Indeed Pregnancy is a great thing.

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My first trimester and Symptoms:

My first trimester symptoms started around 6th, 7th week of pregnancy. I remembered at 6th to 7th weeks just a little bit nausea was started. I thought it’s ok. Not a big deal and I was confident that I will handle this. But, After One or two weeks the real fight was started with vomiting, morning sickness, tiredness, nausea.

Morning sickness:

           Many women noticed morning sickness as first thing in the morning but for me, it’s not for the morning only, it happens with me all time of a day, sometimes afternoon, sometimes evening. It was like 24 hours sickness for me. At week 10, I was stopped going out. I started canceling all my social plans. I remember in week 12 I canceled one of my family friends farewell who moved to Texas from Chicago. Most of the day I was too flat and nauseous to move further than the sofa.

During this time I was lucky if I cooked lunch or dinner. My poor husband cooked everything for us During this time. He used to prepared breakfast lunch then goes to the office. Again he has to prepare dinner for us. (But now, he barely come into the kitchen 😃) I spent most of that time staring at a blank wall or sleeping. Because that was the only relief I had. I tried almost every home remedy for nausea and vomiting but nothing worked.

            Not all women go through this phase, I remember some of my friends don’t even face any pregnancy symptoms other than changes in body. Well, I think they are luckiest.

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Tenderness and body change:

Soon after conception body generates hormones because of which we noticed some change in body. You may find it helpful to wear comfortable clothes.

Smell and Food aversions :

I don’t know why but, I hardly craved for anything in my entire pregnancy.  When you're pregnant, you might become more sensitive to certain odors and your sense of taste might change. My nose was my worst enemy during my pregnancy. I was super sensitive about the smell. I couldn’t able to bear the smell of my kitchen. Especially ginger and garlic strong aroma. Usually, our Indian food is incomplete without ginger, garlic so whenever my husband starts cooking, I was preferred to get my self locked in the bedroom. It may look dramatic but, trust me it's happened with most of the women’s. And Yes! I stopped eating my favorite food, egg, and chicken. Suddenly strong dislike developed for my favorite food and my aromatic Indian diet.

Mood swings :

Mood swings are totally Normal whereas depression is a different matter. Your mood can swing faster than anything because of the massive surge of hormones. I remember sometimes I was so excited about the pregnancy, sometimes spend a day in worries of everything going on, sometimes feel fear. It was in roller coaster ride of emotion altogether. But I am lucky about close friends with whom I Shared my feelings. Yes! Share your feelings with others and spend time with new parents or a pregnancy support group. It helps a lot.

Tiredness :

I was so tired. I used to take long naps during day time.

  There are so many pregnancy symptoms like dizziness, constipation, hair loss, heartburn, increased urination. As I said, everybody is different so everyone’s symptoms may be changed.

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How to get rid of Pregnancy Symptoms :

Sleep a lot and make sure you are well rested. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone rise — which can put you to sleep. So Rest as much as you can. It was my first pregnancy so it was possible for me, no one was there to disturb me. If I try for a second pregnancy, I don’t know how my son going to allow me to take longer naps 🙄.
Make sure your stomach is never empty. Do not eat large portion in one sitting. Instead, eat meal frequently.
Keep snacks and fluid handy. Keep the crackers beside the bed, and have a nibble before you try to get up.
Get up slowly after waking up
Try to do prenatal yoga. Try to be active if possible.
Get some fresh air. Whether at home, at work, or anywhere in between, make sure you’ve got access to good air circulation
It’s important to stay hydrated. Try to drink your fluid in between the meal. Sipping throughout the day is a good idea.
Try to take your prenatal vitamins just before bed. Prenatal vitamins may make you feel nauseous sometimes.
If you tried everything and still don’t feel better just talk to your doctor. For me, the doctor prescribed some medicine to get rid of nausea and vomiting. And it helps me a lot.

Just remember this time will pass and soon you are going hold a beautiful miracle in your hand and Enjoy your precious moments. I handled my first trimester by reminding those lines to myself.

And don’t forget to share your experience in a comment section.

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