Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Prenatal Yoga: Peaceful Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana).

Don't forget to warm up properly.

  1. Begin in Tadasana ( mountain pose) at the top of your mat, inhale hands into prayer in front of your chest.
  2.  Exhale bend the knees and with the control bring your left foot back to a wide stance, keeping it at ab angle of 90 degrees to the top of your mat.
  3.  Inhale your arms to shoulder height and parallel to the floor then exhale bend your right knee over your right ankle, keeping your left leg long and straight.
  4.  Ensure your right thigh is activated and your knee gravitates out towards your little toe on your right foot to protect the knee.
  5.  Flip your font hand up and bring your left hand down onto your left leg.
  6.  Inhale bring your font hand up towards the sky, sliding your left hand down your left leg.
  7.  keep the right knee bend, pressing into the feet with the legs strong. sink the hips down towards the floor and relax the shoulders.
  8.  Breathe here for 2-5 breaths coming back into warrior 2 then Tadsana and repeat on the other side.

1) Strengthens and stretches the legs. 
2) Stretches the side of the arm and torso.
3) Open the hips.
4) Reduces anxiety.
5) Improves balance.

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